Ron Meng 1954-2013
Ron Meng, founder and owner of Islands Marine Center, Lopez Island Washington passed away peacefully August 22, 2013 after a three year battle with cancer. Truly a self-made man, Ron started IMC some 40 years ago literally from the trunk of his car servicing what was then a sizable fishing fleet on Lopez. Gradually, he and his wife Jennifer purchased waterfront property, developed a full service marina and shifted their emphasis to recreational boaters as the commercial fishing industry waned. Ron was a skilled mechanic and an avid fisherman, two traits that he blended successfully to design and bring to market his own brand of northwest-style boat: the Ocean Sport Roamer. This unique brand was a source of great pride for Ron as he actively engaged his favorite pastime-fishing trips to Barkley Sound.
Ron Meng Tribute from Pursuit Boats on Vimeo.